Background: the purpose of this study was to report a binocular photic retinal injury induced by plasma arc\r\nwelding and the follow-up after treatment with vitamin supplements for a month. In our study, we used different\r\ndiagnostic tools such as fluorescein angiography (FA), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and multifocal\r\nelectroretinogram (mfERG).\r\nCase presentation: in the first visit after five days from arc welding injury in the left eye (LE) the visual acuity was\r\n0.9 and 1.0 in the right eye (RE). FA was normal in both eyes. OCT in the left eye showed normal profile and\r\nnormal reflectivity and one month later, a hyperreflectivity appeared in the external limiting membrane (ELM). The\r\nmfERG signal in the LE was 102.30 nV/deg2 five days after the injury and 112.62 nV/deg2 after one month and in\r\nthe RE respectively 142.70 nV/deg2 and 159.46 nV/deg2.\r\nConclusions: in cases of retinal photo injury it is important for the ophthalmologist to evaluate tests such as OCT\r\nand the mfERG in the diagnosis and follow-up of the patient because the recovery of visual acuity cannot exclude\r\nthe persistence of phototoxic damage charged to the complex inner-outer segment of photoreceptors.